Environmental policy

Proyectos e Infraestructuras Zambana, S.L. has assumed the compromise of maintaining an Environment system based on the Rule ISO 14001:2015, for the development of their activities in Building and Edification.

This compromise is known, understood and shared by all the members that compose the team of
Proyectos e Infraestructuras Zambana, S.L. and it’s shown in all the aspects of their management.

1. Environmental protection: To avoid the pollution and exhaustion of the resources in all the activities that are developed with potential to damage the environment, through control, management and decrease the possible residues generated during our activity and decreasing the risk of environmental accidents.

2. Legality: comply with all the legal requirements and laws requested by the norms and
agreements with our clients, that apply to our activity.

3. Alliances: integrate our providers and subcontractors with the active compromise to control the environmental aspects.

4. Formation and sensitivity the staff to make them realise the importance of their responsibility on the protection of the environment.

This policy will be revised periodically, adapting it to the nature of the activities and the
environmental impact, it will be available to the public and should be known by all the members of
the company.

Antonio José Pérez | Manager